ORC European Championships 2019 – Fight for cleaner seas
The race against sea pollution continues in Sweden.
After two days of racing and many more of preparation in Oxelösund Sweden the Zer0emission is fighting for the gold medal in ORC A at European Championships 2019. The regatta continues with two days of inshore racing that will resolve the outcome of the regatta.
The ragatta was kicked of with an opening seremony where the team skipper Samuli Leisti had a chance to talk about why we race against se pollution.
So far the team has finished two inshore races and one offshore race, leaving the team at a second place in the overall standings. Anything is possible now and for sure the race organizer, participants and the spectators are aware of why we are here.
“We are 7,7 billion people on Earth and population grows annually by 8.3 million. We people produce more carbon dioxide than we are able to clean, we litter the seas more, than we are able to clean them. We can´t think that next generation and our kids will clean it. This has to stop.
Sailing is the most relevant sport for the cleaner seas and nature. We want to inspire sailors, race fans, partners, race organizer and cities to do the actions for the cleaner environment. We sailors can be as a role model, but we are not enough, we need all possible parties to make a change.”
So the boats will race hard against each other with a goal to win. But our common goat is the race against sea pollution that we should win.
You can follow the race at the organizers official homepage and please join our Instagram account for live updates and Facebook -page for status updates!